The growing season is almost upon us, and you may be ready to focus on creating a lush green lawn for the outdoor months ahead. The typical grasses that grow in Wisconsin are cool season grasses. This means that the grass grows most vigorously during the cool seasons of fall and spring and comes back year after year. Cool season grasses perform well in temperate and northern climates. In Wisconsin, the four types of grass that are the most common are Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, and Fine Fescues. Any of these should serve you well for your lawn as they are green nearly all year and generally easy to maintain


Kentucky Blue Grass has the best cold hardiness of all these grasses, making it a popular choice for homeowners. This grass creates a dense, thick lawn and tends to keep its blue-green color in the winter. During summer, it has a high drought tolerance and can handle higher foot traffic — just perfect for when you are spending more time outside. All these great benefits make it an ideal lawn. Here are a few points about these cool season grasses and caring for your Wisconsin lawn.


Maintenance Needs of Cool Season Grasses 

Cool season grasses typically only need an inch of water weekly and fertilizer one to three times a year. The recommended mowing height is 1 to 3 inches. Cool season grasses can thrive in a range of light exposure from partial shade to full sun. These make them well-suited to homes landscaped with plants and trees where the sun exposure varies throughout the lawn.


Fertilizing a Cool Season Grass 

One way to brighten up and strengthen the grass is to fertilize. Here are a few pointers on fertilizing a cool season grass to reap its greatest benefits.


  1. Time of Year

An important time to fertilize your lawn is in springtime, just before the growing season. The grass should have the nutrients it needs right before it is ready to grow. Cool-season grasses begin to wake up in the spring and enter the growth cycle. The best time to fertilize will be late spring, somewhere from mid-May to the beginning of June. By this time, the root system has stored enough energy to start growing, and the fertilizer you provide will give the grass an immediate source of nutrition. Avoid feeding cool season grasses during the summer. 


  1. Time of Day

The best time of day to fertilize your lawn is in the late afternoon, avoiding the mid-day sun. If the air temperature is too hot, fertilizer may burn the grass. You should also avoid applying fertilizer too late in the evening. If you apply water with the fertilizer and it sits overnight, your lawn may risk fungal disease.


  1. Types of Fertilizers

Fertilizing with nitrogen will increase the green color of the lawn while promoting healthy and rapid growth. Fertilizers with quick-release nitrogen will promote quick growth. Slow-release fertilizers extend the feeding period, should be applied less frequently, and are less likely to burn the grass. 


An added benefit of fertilizing is that it helps control weeds. As the root system expands, it will cover bare spots and keep weed seeds from taking hold. Keep in mind the type of grass you have when selecting fertilizer or other treatment products. Compare package labels to ensure you choose the correct ones for your type of grass. Remember to read the product directions carefully before applying and ask a professional if you have questions.


Ask the Pros at Createscape Landscaping Service for Help

Caring for your lawn can be simple, but perhaps it’s not something you desire to do yourself. That’s when hiring the professionals at Createscape Landscaping Service is the solution you need to create your ideal lawn. Createscape Landscaping Service can design and install everything needed to create a beautiful lawn, then maintain it throughout the year. Call us today at (262) 662-0201 to get started or visit us online at to learn more about our services.